H.A.M.burgers and Fries

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

What it is bloggers?!?!?

Yep, its that time again. Time for your weekly slice of H.A.M.

Now yall know I do this just for the laughs and the delightful commentary (smile). Please do not be offended if you see a photo of yourself or any of your relatives. Its okay if yall are ghetto H.A.M.s. Really it's okay!

Its just fo da laughs, no offense okay!!!!! Now, carry on....... oh and thanks for the laughs.

Oh and Supa Sista , I hope you are not reading this at work again......

Now, WTF was this ho, I mean H.A.M. thanking when she walked out the house?

Two H.A.M.-a-licious divas!

Love classic net stockings. They go great with that blouse.

That's right, this H.A.M. is holding up the official H.A.M.
Can we say loser?!?!

Is Errsher really bisexual? Anyone know the scoop on that?

Is he a H.A.M.?

Now, why is yo uncle still coming to the club?

H.A.M. mercy!!!

First of all "say no to crack okay"!!!

Second, what in the hell is that on the guy on the left's but cheek?

Tattoos? Bite marks? Hickies? Dunno?

Look at this bootleg azz baby wanna be Luke Skywalker!

Uncle Luke in da house!

WTF is wrong with the H.A.M. on the right?!?!
I mean besides being drunk.

Ummmmm.... WTF?

Don't they look like a broke down version of Ashlee and Jessica Simpson?

Get it mama! She got her fake Kangol hat and errthang!

Now, in all fairness, if you feel that there is anyone on in this parade of H.A.M.s that does not deserve to be there, please let me know!

By the way, what is your definition of a Hot Azz Mess (H.A.M.)?

This is Superstar Nic

"N" Search of Ecstasy and I'm out!

"If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours!"

posted by Superstar Nic at 7:06 AM, |


Ooh Ooh Ooh! I GOTZ to find me that pink strappy all over outfit! Dat's hot! Think they make it in my size? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

I love my H.A.M.!
I am stuck on the dudes showing they cracks....what is that really all about?

And I am mad at you for paying that close attention to the marks on his one cheek :)

Yup..all HAMs and the definition is what it is!
Where do you get these pics? More importantly why do these peeps think that they are the bomb? You should do a H.A.M. pic hall of fame. Too funny.
lol where in the world do you find these? Awful lol
All this HAM has my pressure up!
  At 1/11/2006 4:58 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Just a mess! Girl I needed that laugh. Keep posting this pics
Yall are too damn funny. I love it cause I'm over here cracking up!

I don't get my pics from any one spot. I get 'em from various different sites that I come across on the internet and sometimes my friends will email some of the pics.

Looking for a sharp object to gouge my eyes out with after seeing way too much male butt crack.

I don't think the women are all that bad though. The guys, however, are a different story.

Don't be a vegetarian, stop the H.A.M. hating, LOL!
  At 1/11/2006 7:50 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
'Hot Azz Mess' is an understatement! These pics made me laugh so hard tonight! THANKS FOR THE LAUGH...laughter is good for the soul. Keep the shameful HAMs coming. Your Ace-Boon-Coon in the dirty dirty south-Pensacola>>>LOL..Brown Sugar
LMAO im likin all these asses! for real!
LOL...Charles you are so crazy!!!
  At 1/11/2006 11:33 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
LMAO!! I swear I had a freanik flashback. The whole time I was there, I was like WTF???...Ran away screaming, It took a while to get over...better now.
H.A.M. is classic! I been back reading, and I gotta say this is a hot site. Holla at ya fellow Rattla!
LOL looks like those men were at the DL party in Miami...what would possess you to do such a thing LOL and why would you have a tattoo of a power puff girl on your arm WOW
That was just CRAZY. What are they thinking when they take these pictures? Funny.

My version of a H.A.M is someone, that when you look at them, it's not even you and you get embarassed!

One that you try not to look at but you can't stop looking. Kind of like, well, MY BLOG TOPIC FOR TODAY! (hehe)
I'm still not over the dudes???? (or is that a female in there too) selling crack.... not cool!
I got some in my email and thought of your postings!! I should fwd them to you.

These always crack me up..
Girl you are mess!..lol.
I couldn't find one person who shouldn't be there.