Random Question of the Day

Saturday, December 31, 2005
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Hope that you all are safe, happy, and enjoying your New Year.

Happy Bloggin!

NOTICE: Please excuse all typos and don't even ask why I am
up posting this at 4am!!!

The random question for today has two parts:

New Year’s Resolutions: Part A

Have you ever kept one that you made?

New Year’s Resolutions: Part B

Have you many in resolutions this upcoming year? If so, what are they?

According to many of the websites about New Year's Resolutions, these are the top hitters:

Top 10 Most Common New Year Resolutions

  1. Lose weight
  2. Stop smoking
  3. Stick to a budget
  4. Save or earn more money
  5. Find a better job
  6. Become more organized
  7. Exercise more
  8. Be more patient at work/with others
  9. Eat better
  10. Become a better person

Nic's Take On It:

People say New Year's resolutions are a waste of time as they are nothing more than a long list of "shoulds" that we don't take to heart. For some, I think that people realize that the resolution(s) they set are things that need to be done, they just have not acted on what they’ve been contemplating. There comes a point when you must set a starting point and for many, this starting point is January 1st.

To answer the questions, yes I have kept resolutions in the past. I’ve resolved to exercise more, eat healthier, and become more organized, all of which I’ve kept. As a matter of fact I did really well particularly with the exercise this past year, doing at least 3-4 days of exercise a week. That all went to hell the week of Thanksgiving and lately it has been nonexistent! I have set a few resolutions for the New Year. I know some may say, why set a resolution right?

Well, the reason I do it is because these are things that I NEED to do, things that I MUST do!

My resolutions are not things that I say “Oh in January, Imma do such-n-such”. Its not like that. These are things that I have been working towards already and its more like “2006” is THE YEAR that I will achieve these GOALS. PERIOD!!!

Of course the resolutions that I've made are among the top ten except for the main one. Please keep in mind when I make the resolution, I do not stipulate how long I have to do these things (just kidding).

My resolutions for 2006 in order of importance are to:

  1. Complete my dissertation
  2. Graduate w/my PhD
  3. Lose weight
  4. Exercise more
  5. Eat better
  6. Relax more and stop stressing SO MUCH!!!

And I'm not just doing these things because its the New Year. I'm doing them because they are things that I feel will make me a happier, healthier person overall. That's what's important here. You gotta start some time ;-)

Tell me about yours!

This is Superstar Nic

Wishing You Very Happy Holidays
I'm out!

"If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours!"

    posted by Superstar Nic at 4:12 AM, |


    I heard someone once say, "You don't need a resolution, you need a revelation!" Since then, I haven't really made many resolutions. One silly one I made last year was to completely stop drinking anything carbonated (sodas, etc.) which I have kept, and probably will continue to keep. I usually fall by the wayside on other things. This year, I want to continue to work on being unselfish (this is ongoing) and finish writing my novel. I also plan to go vegetarian for the first month of the year...

    So Nic, Big up, girl!
    Here's to hoping you keep those resolutions! And get that degree OUT OF THE WAY this year!! That will be one grand accomplishment all unto itself!

    Happy New Year! And be safe out there on new Year's eve!
    I just posted some of my goals on my page! LOL Basically I said...

    Better health
    Better *itch
    Better vocab
    More time out my house for recreation
    More accepting of time with self

    And yeah I usually keep up with the goals I make.
      At 12/31/2005 11:35 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
    I always make resolutions, but I don't find that I always keep them. As always, top on my list is to lose wieght. Others are: find a church home and strengthen my relationship with God, finish school and get my M.S. in Public Health, excercise more, drink less, appreciate my body more and stop being so hard on myself, go completely natural (hair-wise), be less controlling with my children and do more things for me, and try to become more organized.
    Mine are:

    Live on a budget. Too much money slips through my fingers.

    Eat better and exercise more, which hopefully will result in weight loss.

    Become more organized.

    Spend less time online. Trust me I could cut my online time in half and no one would notice the difference...LOL.
    hmmm, I have NOT kept a resolution that I have ever made, mostly because by the end of January, I have forgotten what it is. 'I find that if I don't have goals, I can't be disappointed when I don't accomplish them.' <--I agree w/ this quote.

    I'm skinny as a rail, if I lose anymore weight I'll be invisible. I can't eat better. I don't eat anything green or slimy, sovegetables and smoothies are out of the question. And relaxing is impossible for me. hehe, so here's my resolution: I will think of a good resolution for 2007.

    There, now I have a whole year to think about it :-)
    Hey Miss Nic,

    That's right make your resolutions gurl....I have faith in you that you will accomplish all that you desire for 2006!!

    You go gurl! *smile*

    Here's wishing you a wonderful 2006!

    By the way where's the music?!?!?!?
      At 1/01/2006 1:27 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
    I'm say the same shit I say err year!

    1. Stop smoking
    2. Stop drinking
    3. Stop eating so much candy
    4. Marry a mate
    5. Stop cursing so damn much
    6. More ab workouts
    7. Strengthening my faith
    8. Stop shoppin so much!

    Any other suggestions???

    That's what I am talking about. I have to make mines things that I need to do. Have I kept them before...once...stop smoking....114 years ago. My fav are exercising, eating healthy and resting.. I never rest.. I have two companies one for profit and one not for profit plus I work to support my buisnesses. I need sleep and I plan to rest more. During this will help me meet other goals/resolutions as others may call them. I wish you success in getting your phd...Happy New Years!
    Didn't make any since I usually blow them anyway
    Happy New Year to you TOO~

    The only resolution I've made thus far to start working out (only because Mack is pressing the issue). I've lost a gang of weight on my own and have learned to create a new relationship with food...it's the sweating part I'm not feelin!! HAHAHA!! Other than that...I'm just gonna keep doing ME! Don't that sound like a good plan?
    @ BajanQueen -- As you can see I've added some music especially for you (smile).

    @Meljoy -- Skinny as a rail? I'm could only dream of shedding some my extra pounds, LOL.

    @ Tam -- Yes, that does sound like a good plan (smile).
    Officially I haven't made any resolutions. I figure 364 days from now I will have either forgotten them or remember I failed miserably. This year I think I'll just set a bunch of mini goals. I'll keep working on one goal until it's met (no matter how long it takes) and then move on to the next.

    Maybe that will work better for me than the 10 or 12 lofty resolutions I usually make, forget about, and fail every year.
    I dont do resolutions, per se. But a wholistic health practitioner told me about the 1008 names of God. She encouraged us to write a list of 108 (1008 would take too long), situations or experiences we would like to happen during the up coming year. This was a list to direct your spirit, so when you see what you want, your subsconcious goes for it.
    You would write this list on New Years Day and put it somewhere safe. Then you read it periodically, during the year. By the end of the year you'll be surprised how much of the list "comes true." Dont know if that qualifies as a resolution, though.

    Yes and thank you very much...I love Sean Paul!

    You are the best Ma! *muah*

    happy new year, ecstasy!! my only new year's resolution is to be happy. all the rest falls into place.

    keep doing whatchu do, ectasy!!
    @ Freaky D - I think that setting the mini goals is a GREAT idea!

    @ Niki – You, that sounds really good to. Writing a list of 108 things I would like to have happen in 2006….hmmmmm….I think I’ll do that!

    @ Bajan Queen – I’m glad that you like the music. I had a feeling that you would (smile).

    @ B-n-B – You are absolutely right. When you are happy everything else does fall into place!
    If you do write a list, it should be in the present tense "I have" or "I am" as opposed to "I will" or "I want to."

    Side Bar: I have dial-up at home, so it takes a while for the music to start up, so Im always surprised when I start typing and the video starts, LOL
    Your pic is it your handy work, if so very nice!

    Hey by the way I stole your mood icon idea!

    I hope you don't mind! *crossing fingers and praying*

    I'm trying to spruce up the site for the New Year. *smile*
    Happy new year beautiful
    Happy New Year!
    @ Ladynay – I’m on the way to check out your resolutions!

    @ LadyLee – Good luck on the novel. I can’t wait to read it.

    @ Accomplice – I don’t think of it as waiting so much as I think of it as a starting point for things that I know I need to do.

    @ Laptop Cutie – Good luck on the M.S. in Public Health. You and I have this goal in common! Completely natural with your hair-wow!

    @ Shawn – I need to live on a budget and spend less time online to. I’m on this damn computer entirely TOO MUCH!!!

    @ Rose – Thanks and yes you need to take some time for yourself and get some rest. Don’t get burned out!

    @ Dizyaboy – I hear ya, LOL!!!

    @ Abeni – That’s understandable. Many people don’t set any.

    @ Niki – Thanks girlie! I think I’m going to even post a few of them here.

    @ Sonyared - LOL, I dedicated this music to the Bajan Queen.

    @ B Queen – No, girl that pic is not my artwork. I could only wish although I am thinking about trying to draw it. I will post in on the blog when I’m done, that it if I think it looks okay (smile) …… I can’t wait to see your spruced up blog site.

    @ Mwabi and Stone – Thanks!
    thanks for the greeting and happy new years to you!!!
    New Years greetings right back at ya Caesar!!!!
      At 1/02/2006 4:55 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
    My resolutions are:

    1. Getting finances together
    2. Exercising more
    3. Getting more in touch with my faith
    4. Trying to be a better person so that I can be a better wife to my husband and mother to my dog (smile)
    Well you read mine, I see we have some in common.

    I was wondering how did your project turn out?
    @ ddsprncs -- The project has been a bust!!! I have procrastinated my way through my vacation w/o completing as I had intended!

    Girl I do not know what my deal is (smile). I will be spending my lunch breaks for the next few days completing it. Maybe if I do it at work I will buckle down and complete it like I'm supposed to.