Is It Friday Yet?

Thursday, May 04, 2006
glitter graphics

I barely even had time for this post, but I just had to vent my frustrations. A sister is tired, stressed, and completely aggravated right now okay! My eyes are literally burning from the lack of sleep last night. Iam sooooooo damn sleepy! Why me? ~Sigh~

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines!!!!

Unfortunately it was all work and absolutely no play for me last night. [Mental note to self: I wonder if I can make up for that tonight with a little play? Hmmmm....] And to top it all off, the evaluation plan that I had been working on all last evening for work died when my computer froze up, so I had to start 'almost' from damn scratch @ 10:54pm last night. Oh and did I mention that this shit is due today! I did not get done with what I needed to have ready for work until after 1am and anyone that knows me knows how much I love to sleep and that I'm usually NEVER up that late on a work night.

I worried over this all night and Imma about to cry at any moment because I am just pooped and still frustrated. Oh and I ain't even gonna go into the fact that my final dissertation proposal, including all of my suggested changes that were indicated in my proprosal defense are due in a week and a half and I have barely scratched the surface with the revisions. There is just no rest for the weary man!

I certainly hope that your day goes a whole hell of a lot better than mine!

glitter graphics

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glitter graphics

This is Superstar Nic

"N" Search of Ecstasy and I'm out!

"If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours!"

posted by Superstar Nic at 5:58 PM, |


Imma act like I didn't read about the dissertation....

Turn that distress into eustress! It'll be over soon, the deadlines will past, everything will get done, then you can do out and drop it like it hot all over again!
ladynay said it best!

i'll add that your strength is an inspiration to us all. i mean, you're working full time AND pursuing a PhD? that's simply amazing.

just take it a moment at a time. don't even look up for the light at the end of the tunnel cuz the distance will depress you. one moment, one step at a time. next thing you know, you'll look up and all of this will be over! :)
I hope all goes well XTC.
Good luck, sweets!
things will get better! so just chill n get plenty of rest when u aint busy!
You better get finished with that dissertation so I can give you a nickname and send more perverts to stalk... err read your blog.

Slow down it's too early to let your job stress you out like that. Organize, prioritize, and don't be afraid to say, "No, I already have too much to do I can't do more."

Inquiring minds want to know who you're trying to play with tonight?

Relax & take care.
After the night/morning that you've been need to play!
I know I don't even have to tell you but I will go ahead and say it any ways...ALL HARD WORK PAYS OFF IN THE END! Shoot at least that's what they told me. HA!
  At 5/04/2006 11:18 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Look at it this way..when it's all over you'll have plenty of play time!
Hang in there mama...BREATHE!!!
U know what they say

ALL WORK AND NO PLAY makes NIC a dull GIRL..go get u some..and then blog about it...!!!!!!!
I can relate. Feeling a little overwhelmed myself.
Thanks for the vote of confidence and encouragement everyone!
You can do it, just hang in there.

In no time you will be able to breathe and look back at all you've done and realize it was worth it.

Keep ya head up.
