Just Random Shyt

Friday, June 16, 2006
*****Updated @ Noon*****

Why am I at home because I was up ALL FUGGIN NITE with a fugged up stomach???

This is not my idea of a good start to the weekend. Sure I love having a 3 day weekend, but not because I'm sick! I'm scared to eat, so I'm just sitting here munching on saltines and drinking crystal light.

I'm missing a lunch party as we speak AND I was supposed to be getting my hair done this evening. I can't go to Atlanta next week with my hair all messed up. I need my appointment, but my stylist said that she is not trying to catch whatever the hell I got. LOL, it was so funny. She said she'll do it it on Sunday though. Yes, I did say Sunday - she loves me!

There have been several people at work and two of my friends have been sick with like a stomach flu this past week, so I don't know if its something like that or if its bad food I ate or what?

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

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I stole this from Organized Noise. LOL, Im always getting stuff from him. Thanks Organized!

Kissed someone on your blog roll?
Not yet, LOL

Danced in front of your mirror naked?
Uhm have I? Cant remember but its possible knowing me

Told a lie?
Who da hell hasnt? What kind of question was that? Show me a person who hasn't told a lie and I'll show you someone who cant talk.

Had feelings for someone who didnt have them back?

Been arrested?

Slept in until 5pm?
YEP, and Id do it again!

Had sex at work (on the clock)?
Nope - on or off the clock. I needz my nice job honey!

Held a snake?
Hell no! R U Cah-ray-zee?

Ran a red light?

Been suspended from school?

Totaled your car in an accident?
Yep - But it honestly was not my fault. That bastard hit me!

Sang karaoke?
Not yet

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
Yes, several times

Gave your private parts a nickname?
No, but I gave someone elses a nickname

Ever gone to school / work without underwear?

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?

Broken a bone?

Mooned/flashed someone?

Shaved your head?
Nope and never plan to

Slept naked?
Many times

Blacked out from drinking?
No - Who does that?

Played a prank on someone?

Had a gym membership?
Still have it

Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?

Cried over someone you were in love with?

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets?
no, LOL

Subscribed to Maxim?
no, what the hell is that

Tripped on shrooms?

Video taped yourself having sex and kept the tape?

Eaten alligator meat?


Do you watch porn?
On occassion

Been bungee jumping?
Are you outta your fucking mind?

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Prom Season 2006

My girl Southern G posted some of these pics on yesterday, but I just had to go back to this shit! My girl Laptop Cutie sent these pics to me and I was like WHOA.

What in the world is prom season coming to. Is this what I have to look forward to when Im a parent. My children going to the prom in sexy dresses or better yet, them hated me because there is no fucking way that Im letting them outta the house in this shit? They are all tatted up with belly rings and everything! What is a mother to do.

I was cute when I when to the prom and I even had an off the shoulder dress, but no where near dressed this sexy.

How many of you think that its okay for YOUR children to dress like this, get tattoos or belly rings while they are in high school? I'm asking because Im wondering if I just too old fashion.

I had a few more pics but blogger is fuckin up again so I couldnt load them.

And just where in the hell are these little mini mees going?

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

What About UR President

One of my girls sent this to me. This is who we have running the U.S....Lawd!


Click Here 2 C UR Prez

Visit www.postpalace.com for more free goodies like this!

This is Superstar Nic

"N" Search of Ecstasy and I'm out!

"If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours!"

posted by Superstar Nic at 6:00 AM, |


Ok, so you made a tape. The real question is how often do you watch it?

It's a damn shame what some of these parents allow their children to leave the house wearing.

I'm speechless
ok that pres link...took me to what looked like a porn site...is that where i was supposed to be...
i've seen that president reel before, and all i can do is shake my head...
anyway, have a good weekend!
Lol great list...Played a prank? remember back in the days before caller id? lol those were good times.

You have a gym membership....but do you use it? I know I used to have one and barely used it. lol

Mexican jumping beens are sooo cool. Until one drops, breaks and the worm comes out. That just makes kids freak out. lol

Have a great weekend.
Have fantabulous weekend NIC dont hurt nobody..yeah i seen them getto faboulous creations.......SOmewhere in Ohio I think....just a disgrace....them chicks hardly look like they going to somebody's prom..i see stretch marks, tatoos, bumps...when we had my prom aint nobody had none of that. *SHM*..........
  At 6/16/2006 11:27 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Prom dresses are out of order. I told someone those dresses like homemade! LOL

Have a nice weekend
G – Yes, I love tags – but please dont tell anybody okay!

Organized – I dont watch the tape that often at all. Its been a while since I’ve seen it. Maybe I should check it out this weekend, LOL.

Hassan – I know exactly what you mean!

No1 – Uhm you know I think that it is some advertisements with girls in bikinis and shit at the top of the page but if you scroll down some, you’ll see the video.

Blkbutterfly – LOL, that president reel is too funny. Its really unbelievable.

Miranda – Oh yeah, I’ve made plenty of prank calls before caller ID…I’ve never send Mexican jumping beans before, LOL.

Negropino – You have a fantabulous weekend yourself. If I can get my stomach from acting a fool, I probably will have a great weekend!

Southern G – I agree. Those dresses are too scandalous for CHILDREN!!!!
Why they look like they were having a community meet and great before they went to prom why else would children be there and why they all dressed up they going to the prom too...I tell ya what happen to the princess gowns with gloves and what not..apparently no clothing at all is in season and showing off your "war" scars is cute...ewwww. Hope you feel better have a great weekend!!!
LMAO @ the community meet and greet! Yeah, why is that tho'? That must be something kids do now a days, because I've seen quite a few pics like this before.

Thanks, you have a good weekend to!
okay now you're scaring me when lil'sarccastik gets older...damn...times sure have changed...
LOL, trust me I know exactly what you mean! I can't even imagine what Imma do when my child gets ready to go to the prom! Lawd
i know im late.. but you stay switching up the site :-)

my dresses were cute & sexy.. but left something to the imangination.. my sh*t wasnt all poppin out!! my kids just gonna hafta hate me!

and you cheated.. you werent supposed to explain those questions.. just answer yes or no :-)
It's amazing what passes for prom outfits these days...:-)
I thought I was being sexy during prom cuz I was showing some shoulder! What was I thinking? LOL Crying shame!

Hope your having a wonderful weekend Nic!
ooohhh you redocorated - it looks good! How are you feeling?
And the pro, pictures, lawd? I can't even begin to construct my comment on those.
You slept till 5pm?

Even after an all nighter I have not pulled that off....and I love my sleep.