Happy Tuesday

Monday, June 12, 2006

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Well it appears that the first hurricane/tropical storm is already upon us. I wanted to put a picture but blogger is fucking tripping as usual!

When I heard that there was a tropical storm brewing few days ago, I really thought nothing of it. But today when I had had to sit in on an Emergency Operations Center conference call about the potential Hurricane Alberto I was like WTF??? A hurricane already?

See I never mentioned to you all that when the governmental health agency that I currently work for showed me my job description, that 5% other duties as assigned that you normally see on your job description is called Emergency Response Duty on my job description. Yes, part of our job is working at our Emergency Operations Center, if needed.

Lucky for me, this one does not look like it will be too bad. I am kinda hoping for a nondamaging hurricane day. No power outage (at least not at my house), no flooding, just a nice free day from work. One where its raining just enough to help me drift into a deep slumber.

Anyway, I signed up to do my emergency duty during the month of August. They give up the option of picking a convenient time when we will most likely be available during hurricane season. That way our emergency response work does not interfere with company travel or vacation. I dont know if that is going to be a good or bad month. The objective really is (at least in my head) to try to pick a time when there will not be a lot of hurricane activity. I'm not sure how that little strategy will pan out though, LOL.

Who, What, Where, Why Meme


Who is in the house with you?
No one

Who are you thinking about now?
A cute guy

Who did you last talk to on the phone?

Whose house did you last go to?

Whose birthday is next?
My stepmom

Who was the last person you had dinner with?
Laptop Cutie and the Conservative Banker

Who do you hope will take this survey?
LadyNay, Southern G, Freaky D, T Cas, Nikki, P


What was the last thing you ate?
BBQ Chicken

What was the last thing you drank?
Fruit Punch

What color pants are you wearing?

What is the first thing you think when you wake up?
Damn I don't wanna go to work!

What do you need right now?
Sleep, money, a vacation, a nut, etc.

What is the closest item near you that is blue?
My comforter

What are you wearing on your feet?

What instant messaging service do you use?

What is your favorite color?

What is your most used away message?
Invisible to everyone

What is your favorite website?
As of this moment myspace

What's your favorite shoe brand?
Pierre Dumas

What song do you currently hear?
Drop it like its hot by Snoop and Pharrel on MTV Jamz


Where do you live?
Vivo la florida

Where is your phone?
on my bed

Where do you sleep?
in my bed. i wanna sleep in _____'s bed!

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing?
Disney World (Mickey Mouse tee)


When is your birthday?
November 17th, but I except gifts all year long.

When did you last burn a candle?
2 weeks ago - I'm slipping on that

When did you wake up?

When did you do laundry last?
about a week ago


Why does basically half the world have a Myspace or Blog?
why not?

You really think half the world has one?
Uhm...how should I know

Why did you take this particular survey?
I needed a post for my blog today

Why are you in love?
Who said I was in love...

Jus sharing a few pics, hopefully at least one will make you smile ;-)

I need one of these! Where should I put it...in my office or in my bedroom?

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Visit www.postpalace.com for more free goodies like this!

Visit www.postpalace.com for more free goodies like this!

Visit www.postpalace.com for more free goodies like this!

Visit www.postpalace.com for more free goodies like this!

This one makes me dizzy!

Visit www.postpalace.com for more free goodies like this!

This is Superstar Nic

"N" Search of Ecstasy and I'm out!

"If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours!"

posted by Superstar Nic at 11:08 PM, |


Those pix where funny! It took me a minute to realize what the cigarette cartons were! hahahahaha

P.S. Where's Freaky?
now that CIA cartoon is hilarious...and charlie brown too...
Your wish is my command. i did the meme. Have a good one!
I am sooooo glad I'm not in a Hurricane state. And what gives with you people and those surveys? (lol)


oh, i like this meme. i may have to "borrow" it. the notebook pic cracked me up. i guess cause that's the kinda mood i'm in right now.
That focus picture gave me a headache. Lol.
Hey girl, hope things are going good in your neck of the woods I love Pierre Dumas shoes as well then again I love shoes period LOL..I think I have a serious problem. Anywho....hope you're having a safe week despite the tentative hurricane.
  At 6/13/2006 1:18 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
I'll do the meme tommorrow; not in the mood to post today.
I need the notebook pad.

Hey Nic!!
LadyNay - U pose a VERY GOOD question. Where is that Freaky D? Maybe the title of my upcoming post should be "Where's Freaky?", because I sure would like to know what happened to him.

BTW, all is well in Florida. Alberto did not make landfall as a hurricane thank goodness. The back part about it that I had to go to work ;-(
Hey Ecstatic Doc!! I have a hell of a time loading your page! Funny post as always! You always make me laugh! Take care!
I'm stealing the W's for my post either tomorrow or Thursday. I got a little oral surgery happening and I'll need an 'excuse' post...

Lively and entertaining as usual... Kepp me smiling.
First time here on your neck of the woods, the pic of Charlie Brown really put a smile on my face, lol, thanks for sharing and yes the "focus" one is hot, I like it.
hey wazzzzaaaaaaaa!!!

haha long time no read....damz well ummm i was in dat tropical storm shit....i had to go through a bridge n i almost crashed....dat shit wasnt nice...but yea hope u doin good...n just droppin by to show sum luv n hope u do da same....haha....aight well take carez