Birthday Bash Part I

Friday, November 18, 2005
Stay tuned for an update from the first part of my birthday celebration!

Ya gurl is tired, ya feelin' me???

Right now I am at work and to tell ya the truth......I don't feel like doing a muthafugging thang! I just want to go home and curl up in my bed with a glass of wine and out the do not disturb sign up!

This picture tells it all as far as work is concerned until after Thanksgiving!
Yep, even though I'm here....I'm starting the Thanksgiving break early.

Nicoletta ~ "N" Search of Estasy

Superstar Nic

"If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours!"

posted by Superstar Nic at 2:03 PM, |


  At 11/18/2005 3:31 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Someone had a wild and crazy night last night!!!! Homegirl comes strollin into work this morning at about a quarter to 11. Walkin slow...but, smilin big!!

Crazy white gurl, you are definitely to crazy and anyway it was not a qtr to 11am it was 10:30am!!!

BTW, I'm still smilin'!
it must be nice to be able to take off a whole week for thanksgiving! and um...i can't wait for you to write about what happened last night...