Update On Me

Monday, October 16, 2006
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Hello My Blog Family!

I hope all is well in your worlds. Before I begin, I want to tell you that I really appreciate from the bottom of my heart all of the love, support, prayers, and best wishes you all expressed to me and my family during a very difficult time in our lives. I really did my heart a world of good to know that so many of you cared so much for little ole me.

I wanted to take some time to update everyone on whatz going on with me. Thanks again for caring so much!

My Cousinz Death

It was very difficult for my family to cope with his death but we all made through. This is the first time we have ever dealt with a tragic loss. We have had family members who were elderly pass on but never a child. Travis being so young made the death more difficult to deal with.

My uncle (Travis father) really took the death hard. He is generally a very happy and chipper man, but now when I talk to him I hear nothing but sadness in his voice, which is understandable. I think he is getting better though.

There are no new developments in the case. All we know is that it was a hit and run.

Weight Loss Woes

With everything that has been going on with me, I have not been eating or going to the gym like I should. Needless to say when I went to the doctor last week, the lying ass scale had the nerve to say that I had gained 7lbs back...WTF?!?!?!

I have got to get my shit together for real. I had lost a total of 31 lbs and wanted to lose another 20, but at the rate I am going I will never get there. Lord knows I do not wanna go back to wearing my old size and to top it all off its FAMU Homecoming next week. I was supposed to be super fine by now. What the hell?

I did at least manage to make it to the gym today. I did the elliptical and some weights, but that does not make up for the lasagna I had for lunch and dinner. I made a pan of it yesterday for dinner, I am polishing off left overs around here. I am not going to have anymore of it though. I plan on giving the rest of it away or freezing some of it. ~Sigh~


Work is going pretty good. Nothing to complain about wqhich is always a wonderful thang!

There is a Chronic Disease Program Manager position about to be advertised in my section so I was even thinking about applying for it. I would probably be a pay increase of about $4-5K, but notice the key word is probably.

I have not made up my mind totally about that yet. It would be a great opportunity with experience that would be VERY valuable, but am I really ready for the responsibility that will come along with it? Who knows...

I even wanted to serve so H.A.M. for old times sake!

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This is Superstar Nic

No Where Near Ecstasy and I'm out!

"If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours!"
posted by Superstar Nic at 8:16 PM, |


Glad you and the fam are coping well.

You will be super fine for homecoming w/or without the seven pounds being back.

Only you know if your ready for the extra work...Good luck!
Glad that things are a little better in your world.
I'm glad that you and yours seem to be doing better.

Take care.
  At 10/18/2006 11:22 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Glad to hear everyone is doing better.

On to the HAM pics. I know ole girl was hot in the getup in the club.
Glad u are doing as well as can be expected. DOnt feel bad I pay $50 a month to go to the gym and havent set foot in it.....
  At 10/18/2006 3:13 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Continued prayers to you and your family as you cope with the sudden loss of your family member. Hopefully there will be a break in the case soon! Girl the pounds are hard to get off and will creep back on ya without notice, but I have faith that you'll go back towards the positive direction with your weight loss! HOMECOMING 2006 FAMU STYLE...can't wait for next week!
Chocolate Drop out~
Thanks guys! I can always count on you to help me through the most difficult times in my life.