The ONLY Secret To Success

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

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To become truly successful in life, you must STOP doing what you dont like doing.

Think about it: you can do something that you are good at, and even become reasonably successful at it. But if you dont like doing it, are you truly successful?

With enough hard work you can become financially secure and well off. But if you dont like doing what you are doing, is it really worth it?

You can find what you love doing and become good at it. But if your life is full of other things that you *hate* doing, are you truly, ultimately successful?

Now, look at this definition:

Success is when you dont do anything you dont like doing.

What does it mean?

It means that your life is a continuous experience of joy and pleasure. When you dont do ANYTHING that you dont like doing, it means you enjoy EVERYTHING that you do.

Now, tell me if there can be a better way of living the life of happiness than only doing the things that you enjoy and never having the need to do anything you dont like.

You can tell me that it is impossible to never do the things you dont like: who will wash the dishes and clean the house?

But thats exactly what its all about: if you dont like doing those things, you CAN arrange the world in such a way that somebody else will do the things you dont like doing. You simply PAY them for doing that.

So, the only secret to success is still about money?


Its about DIRECTION.

It gives you clarity on what success really means.

Not success in general - your own, personal success.

The one and only secret to your one and only success.

You own it now.

The less there are things in your life that you dont like doing, the more successful you are.


Now you know.

You can look at the things in your life that you are doing and see how you can sort it out in such a way that you dont have to do anything you dont like.
There IS a way. You must just think HOW.

It may take a bit of time. But you know what... Time is all we truly own in this life.

We come to this world naked and leave it with nothing. Our time on this Earth is what we call, LIFE.

It is worth spending some time having the most of your time filled by only those things you LOVE, isnt it?

Your success is waiting for you!

posted by Superstar Nic at 6:01 PM, |


This is a very positive blog and you are right about this success thing.
Great post. It's gonna take me awhile to figure out how I am going to get my degree without going to school! LOL
  At 10/26/2006 9:13 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
good post

gotta a question for ya! how is the cost of living in FL? hubby is thinking about relocating there.
Nail hit right on the head sister.
I have to disagree with you on a few things Sista Nic.

1- I dont believe in the definition Success is when you dont do anything you dont like doing
because if this is the defination, it would have to follow that everytime you do something you don't like doing, that you are unsuccessful. This is clearly not true.
I dont like washing the dishes--this is true. But by washing them, I am not being unsuccessful. I still have much success in my life. In fact washing the dishes can be argued to be a form of success, because by washing them I can be successful in cleaning after myself, but thats not my argument.

What I'm saying is when you achieve that which you aspire to achieve is when you are successful, not when you dont do anything you like.

2- The next thing I would have to disagree with you about is Time is all we truly own in this life. As a Christian, I believe that this statement is absolutely false. My time could be done before I even finish typing this comment on your blog. So how can you say time is all we really own in this life. Time is actually one of the major things we DONT own and can never own no matter how much we would like to think we do.

I hope that you will share some of your thoughts with me on what I have said here.