About My Day……

Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Today definitely was not the greatest, but I keep telling myself that it could have been a hell of a lot worse! It started with a bad new telephone call at about 6:45am this morning. I won’t go into details about the conversation here, but I will say that the news was not good and that I have been completely aggravated all day. Not just because of the phone but just the day in general.

Work was not particularly aggravating, but I just found myself in a bad mood all day and did not want to be bothered with anyone. This is literally impossible at my job. Somebody always needs something, wants you do something, asking questions all day long, and the phones ringing off the hook. When you are in a bad mood, you just don’t want to be bothered you know what I mean? Believe it or not I did actually get some things accomplished.

I’m so sleepy now to. Why I have not a clue. It’s still early. Anyway I guess I let it go for the night. Tootle Loo!
posted by Superstar Nic at 8:44 PM, |


  At 11/10/2005 5:45 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Sorry you had a bad day because of the phone call. I feel a little better now so everyone else should too.
  At 11/10/2005 3:35 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
I am so glad that you finished your revisions we really are ready for you to graduate! Sorry about the bad day but today is always a brighter one.

Have a great day!
