Cheerleaders Arrested After Having Sex in Bar: WTF????

Monday, November 07, 2005

I've almost heard it all now.

Two cheerleaders were charged after their arrest at a bar where witnesses told police the women had sex in a restroom. It seems that what led to all of this is that other women that "had to go" were pissed because they could not get into the stalls, WTF??? Crazy!!
posted by Superstar Nic at 8:09 PM, |


  At 11/10/2005 11:39 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
This is the craziest sh*t I ever heard! Of course I had to go to the website to see the culprits. Looks like they removed her from the list. Hmmmm....
  At 11/10/2005 12:55 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
I agree! This is definitely one of the craziest things I ever heard. I was LMAO when I heard about this this. Thing you know they got fired on Modnay. Their contracts stipulated that anything that was an embarrassment to the establishment was grounds for termination, so they are outta there!